'Important, but difficult': Swedish primary care professionals' perceptions and experiences of dealing with violence against women: an interview study
'There's a will, but not a way': Norwegian GPs' experiences of collaboration with child welfare services - a grounded theory study
Assessing primary health care provider and organization readiness to address family violence in Alberta, Canada: development of a Delphi consensus readiness tool
Barriers and facilitators of the reporting by family doctors of cases of domestic violence - a qualitative study across Portugal
Barriers faced by primary healthcare providers in addressing emergencies in the Northern region of Palestine before and during the Gaza war
Change in suicidal ideation, depression, and anxiety following collaborative care in the community
COVID-19 adaptations to a training and support programme to improve primary care response to domestic abuse: a mixed methods rapid study
Detecting and preventing child maltreatment in primary care and PHNs' role-a cross-sectional study
Feasibility of a reconfigured domestic violence and abuse training and support intervention responding to affected women, men, children and young people through primary care
Last general practitioner consultation during the final month of life: a national medical record review of suicides in Sweden
Management of physical and psychological trauma resulting from motor vehicle crashes in Australian general practice: a mixed-methods approach
Opening the black box of registration practice for self-harm and suicide attempts in emergency departments: a qualitative study
They are my worries, so it's me the doctor should listen to-adolescent males' experiences of consultations with general practitioners
Training Australian general practitioners to counsel women experiencing intimate partner abuse (WEAVE): a pre-post training analysis