Alienation and suicide rates in the United States, 1966-2007
Anomic nations and suicide rates
Bullying and suicide cross-nationally
Coping with suicide in substance abusers
Denial and acceptance in suicide
Depression and suicidal ideation in college students as a function of college-related variables
Ethical issues in suicide research
Happiness and suicide in European nations
How many pills ingested constitutes a suicide attempt?
Moral decisions involving euthanasia and suicide
Roman Catholicism as a determinant of the regional variation in suicide rates
Sex bias in the reporting of suicide and genocide
Student debt and suicide: is it a reality?
Suicide in Canada: a comparison with other nations of the world: 1970-1990
The effectiveness of suicide prevention centers: an updated meta-analysis
The last week of the life of Arthur Inman: a study of his diary
The relationship between unemployment and suicide