Association of mechanism of injury with overtriage of injured youth patients as trauma alerts
Atypical profile of aortic injury associated with blunt trauma in the metropolitan area of Japan
Barriers to and facilitators of a screening procedure for PTSD risk in a level I trauma center
Causes and outcomes of traumatic brain injuries in Uganda: analysis from a pilot hospital registry
Crossbow bolt injury to the heart
Early complementopathy predicts the outcomes of patients with trauma
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma firearm injury prevention statement
Firearm assault in Philadelphia, 2005-2014: a comparison of police and trauma registry data
Learners' perspectives on Stop the Bleed: a course to improve survival during mass casualty events
Outcomes in patients with gunshot wounds to the brain
Predictors of hospitalization and surgical intervention among patients with motorcycle injuries
Racial disparities and the acute management of severe blunt traumatic brain injury
The "T's" of snakebite injury in the USA: fact or fiction?
The e-merging e-pidemic of e-scooters
Trauma Embolic Scoring System in military trauma: a sensitive predictor of venous thromboembolism