Correction to: quantifying the collision dose in rugby league: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and critical analysis
Nordic walking training in elderly, a randomized clinical trial. Part II: Biomechanical and metabolic adaptations
Performance effects with injury prevention exercise programmes in male youth football players: a randomised trial comparing two interventions
Quantifying the collision dose in rugby league: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and critical analysis
Recurrent and subsequent injuries in professional and elite sport: a systematic review
The effects of anticipation and visual and sensory performance on concussion risk in sport: a review
The impact of health consciousness on the association between walking durations and mental health conditions after a disaster: a cross-sectional study
The performance of the World Rugby Head Injury Assessment Screening Tool: a diagnostic accuracy study
The relationship between physical fitness attributes and sports injury in female, team ball sport players: a systematic review
The value of preseason screening for injury prediction: the development and internal validation of a multivariable prognostic model to predict indirect muscle injury risk in elite football (soccer) players