"When people who use drugs can't differentiate between medical care and cops, it's a problem." Compounding risks of law Enforcement Harassment & Punitive Healthcare Policies
An intervention development study of an mHealth app to manage women's health and safety while on probation
Deaths among adults under supervision of the England and Wales' probation services: variation in individual and criminal justice-related factors by cause of death
Disparities in the accuracy of reporting opioid overdoses to 9-1-1 by race and sex of overdose victim, Marion County, Indiana, 2011-2020
Effectiveness, working mechanisms, and implementation of youth-initiated mentoring for juvenile delinquents: a multiple-methods study protocol
Mental health disparities in young adults with arrest history: a survey-based, cross-sectional analysis
Who gets screened and who tests positive? Drug screening among justice-involved youth in a midwestern urban county