Defensive gun use: what can we learn from news reports?
Descriptive epidemiology of injuries in Japanese collegiate men's basketball: 2013/2014 to 2019/2020
Epidemiology of adult trauma injuries in Malawi: results from a multisite trauma registry
Epidemiology of traumatic cervical spinal fractures in a general Norwegian population
Estimating the health burden of road traffic injuries in Malawi using an individual-based model
Experiences of violence in daily life among adults in California: a population-representative survey
Measuring gun violence in police data sources: transitioning to NIBRS
Musculoskeletal injuries sustained at the California, USA: Baja California, Mexico border
Occupational burn injuries in Finland 2011-2015
Patterns of handgun divestment among handgun owners in California
Pediatric suicide by violent means: a cry for help and a call for action
Public health critical race praxis at the intersection of traffic stops and injury epidemiology
Size matters: how safety climate and downstream outcomes vary by fire department organization type
Unlicensed driving among young drivers in North Carolina: a quasi-induced exposure analysis
Voluntary, temporary out-of-home firearm storage: a survey of law enforcement agencies in two states
Who discovers the firearm suicide decedent: an epidemiologic characterization of survivor-victims