A comparison and analysis of seven gun law permissiveness scales
An emergency department medical record review for adolescent intentional self-harm injuries
An epidemiologic comparison of acute and overuse injuries in high school sports
Analysis of the regional distribution of road traffic mortality and associated factors in Japan
Characteristics and patterns of older adult homicides in the United States
Clinical strategies for reducing firearm suicide
Colorado's first year of extreme risk protection orders
COVID-19-related violence trend data challenges & a resource for injury researchers
Criminal punishment and violent injury in Minnesota
Development of a scale to measure expected concussion reporting behavior
Effect of orthopaedic resident education on screening for intimate partner violence
Epidemiology of sudden death in organized school sports in Japan
Ghost guns: spookier than you think they are
Guns, violence, politics: the gyre widens
Hand and wrist injuries among collegiate athletes vary with athlete division
Handgun purchasing characteristics and firearm suicide risk: a nested case-control study
Neighborhood disadvantage and firearm injury: does shooting location matter?
Pediatric patients with dog bites presenting to US children's hospitals
Rideshare use among parents and their children
The role of domestic violence in fatal mass shootings in the United States, 2014-2019
The time is now: why we must identify and address health disparities in sport and recreation injury
Trends in shaken baby syndrome diagnosis codes among young children hospitalized for abuse