Adolescents' engagement in multiple risk behaviours is associated with concussion
Approaching community priorities in youth sports injury prevention research
Characteristics of traumatic brain injury patients with abnormal neuroimaging in Southeast Norway
Correction to: The color of risk protection orders: gun violence, gun laws, and racial justice
Direct and indirect effects of marijuana use on the risk of fatal 2-vehicle crash initiation
Disparities in triage and management of the homeless and the elderly trauma patient
Educational achievement and youth homicide mortality: a city-wide, neighborhood-based analysis
Epidemiology of tendon and ligament injuries in Aotearoa/New Zealand between 2010 and 2016
Epidemiology of traumatic falls after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Evaluating the effectiveness of traumatic brain injury state laws among high school athletes
Fatal childhood injuries in Finland between 1971 and 2017
Life experiences associated with change in perpetration of domestic violence
Mapping disparities in homicide trends across Brazil: 2000-2014
Mechanisms of accidental fall injuries and involved injury factors: a registry-based study
Medication use and driving patterns in older drivers: preliminary findings from the LongROAD study
Mild traumatic brain injury/concussion and female sexuality, a scoping review of the literature
National survey of home injuries during the time of COVID-19: who is at risk?
Personal protective eyewear usage among industrial workers in small-scale enterprises
Prevalence of long gun use in Maryland firearm suicides
Re-prioritizing traffic stops to reduce motor vehicle crash outcomes and racial disparities
Serious sports-related injury in England and Wales from 2012-2017: a study protocol
The association between weather and the number of daily shootings in Chicago (2012-2016)
The burden of injuries in Ethiopia from 1990-2017: evidence from the global burden of disease study
The changing epidemiology of dog bite injuries in the United States, 2005-2018
The color of risk protection orders: gun violence, gun laws, and racial justice
Trends in alcohol and marijuana detected in homicide victims in 9 US states: 2004-2016
Trends in deaths from road injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, January to September 2020