A statewide baseline inventory of evidence-based fall prevention programs for older adults
Children and unintentional firearm death
Economic development and road traffic fatalities in Russia: analysis of federal regions 2004-2011
Effectiveness of bystander naloxone administration and overdose education programs: a meta-analysis
Epidemiologic patterns of injuries treated at the emergency department of a Swedish medical center
Epidemiology and contemporary risk profile of traumatic spinal cord injury in Switzerland
Epidemiology of sports-related concussion in seven US high school and collegiate sports
Firearms and the incidence of arrest among respondents to domestic violence restraining orders
Pediatric bicycle-related head injuries: a population-based study in a county without a helmet law
Public opinion concerning residential sprinkler systems for 1- and 2-family homes
Rising gasoline prices increase new motorcycle sales and fatalities
The relationship between age and driving attitudes and behaviors among older Americans
Trends in non-fatal agricultural injuries requiring trauma care
Unintentional injuries in children with disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Urban/Rural disparities in Oregon pediatric traumatic brain injury