A simple model of mechanical effects to estimate metabolic cost of human walking
Alberta wildfire 2016: apt contribution from anomalous planetary wave dynamics
Author Correction: Cold-season disasters on the Eurasian steppes: climate-driven or man-made
Cognitively demanding object negotiation while walking and texting
Conflict-sensitive neurons gate interocular suppression in human visual cortex
Contrasting catastrophic eruptions predicted by different intrusion and collapse scenarios
Control of spreading depression with electrical fields
CYGNSS data map flood inundation during the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season
Decomposing sensorimotor variability changes in ageing and their connection to falls in older people
Delayed and progressive damages to juvenile mice after moderate traumatic brain injury
Development of a numerical model to predict physiological strain of firefighter in fire hazard
Distinct brain areas involved in anger versus punishment during social interactions
Dog bite and injury awareness and prevention in migrant and left-behind children in China
Effects of dynamic perturbation-based training on balance control of community-dwelling older adults
Effects of mild blast traumatic brain injury on cognitive- and addiction-related behaviors
Electrophysiological correlates of blast-wave induced cerebellar injury
Emotion regulation compensation following situation selection failure
Evidence of systematic triggering at teleseismic distances following large earthquakes
Experimental evidence of selective inattention in reputation-based cooperation
Facial expression as a potential measure of both intent and emotion
Global time-size distribution of volcanic eruptions on Earth
High-resolution seismic event detection using local similarity for Large-N arrays
Improved safety standards are needed to better protect younger children at playgrounds
Incidental haptic sensations influence judgment of crimes
Increased spatial variability and intensification of extreme monsoon rainfall due to urbanization
Insights into earthquake hazard map performance from shaking history simulations
Intergenerational sex-specific transmission of maternal social experience
Measuring abnormality in high dimensional spaces with applications in biomechanical gait analysis
Moderate acute alcohol intoxication increases visual motion repulsion
Moderate alcohol drinking is not associated with risk of depression in older adults
Multidimensional impulsivity as a mediator of early life stress and alcohol dependence
Neandertal fire-making technology inferred from microwear analysis
Neural substrates of norm compliance in perceptual decisions
Offenders become the victim in virtual reality: impact of changing perspective in domestic violence
Parsing cultural impacts on regret and risk in Iran, China and the United Kingdom
Postpartum depression among women in Nagoya indirectly exposed to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Proteomic differences between focal and diffuse traumatic brain injury in human brain tissue
Reducing risk and improving maternal perspective-taking and empathy using virtual embodiment
Risk of poisoning in children and adolescents with ADHD: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Sensory prediction errors, not performance errors, update memories in visuomotor adaptation
Short-term visual deprivation boosts the flexibility of body representation
Social jetlag impairs balance control
The 2015 landslide and tsunami in Taan Fiord, Alaska
The development of cross-cultural recognition of vocal emotion during childhood and adolescence
The dissolution of temporal distance increases risk-taking: experimental evidence
The gait speed advantage of taller stature is lost with age
The impact of COMT and childhood maltreatment on suicidal behaviour in affective disorders
The influence of acoustic startle probes on fear learning in humans
The neural dynamics of deficient memory control in heavily traumatized refugees
The tsunami threat to Sydney Harbour, Australia: modelling potential and historic events
Traumatic cataract in children in Eastern China: Shanghai Pediatric Cataract Study
When light hurts: comparative morphometry of human brainstem in traumatic photalgia