A survey of localization methods for autonomous vehicles in highway scenarios
An experimental urban case study with various data sources and a model for traffic estimation
Attacks to automatous vehicles: a deep learning algorithm for cybersecurity
Computer vision in analyzing the propagation of a gas-gunpowder jet
Delicar: a smart deep learning based self driving product delivery car in perspective of Bangladesh
Head-mounted and hand-held displays diminish the effectiveness of fall-resisting skills
Inattentive driving detection using body-worn sensors: feasibility study
Multi-agent system for intelligent urban traffic management using wireless sensor networks data
Multi-level sensing technologies in landslide research-Hrvatska Kostajnica Case Study, Croatia
Performance evaluation of an autonomously driven agricultural vehicle in an orchard environment
Personalized route planning system based on driver preference
Predicting fall counts using wearable sensors: a novel digital biomarker for Parkinson's disease
Real-time LIDAR-based urban road and sidewalk detection for autonomous vehicles
Review and simulation of counter-UAS sensors for unmanned traffic management
Seismic damage identification method for curved beam bridges based on wavelet packet norm entropy
The identification of non-driving activities with associated implication on the take-over process
Traffic lights detection and recognition method based on the improved YOLOv4 algorithm
Validity and reliability of a smartphone app for gait and balance assessment