Assessing access to paediatric trauma centres in Canada, and the impact of the golden hour on length of stay at the hospital: an observational study
Association between shelter crowding and incidence of sleep disturbance among disaster evacuees: a retrospective medical chart review study
Bereavement by suicide as a risk factor for suicide attempt: a cross-sectional national UK-wide study of 3432 young bereaved adults
Community-based InterVentions to prevent serIous Complications (CIVIC) following spinal cord injury in Bangladesh: protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Exploring general practitioners' views and experiences on suicide risk assessment and management of young people in primary care: a qualitative study in the UK
Factors related to prolonged on-scene time during ambulance transportation for critical emergency patients in a big city in Japan: a population-based observational study
High-heeled shoes and musculoskeletal injuries: a narrative systematic review
Non-psychotropic medication and risk of suicide or attempted suicide: a systematic review
Outcomes of domestic violence screening at an acute London trust: are there missed opportunities for intervention?
Protocol for a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study of postconcussive symptoms in children: the Take C.A.Re (Concussion Assessment and Recovery Research) study
Role of parenting styles in adolescent substance use: results from a Swedish longitudinal cohort study
The impact of self-harm by young people on parents and families: a qualitative study