Association between daily life walking speed and frailty measured by a smartphone application: a cross-sectional study
Can prognostic factors for indirect muscle injuries in elite football (soccer) players be identified using data from preseason screening? An exploratory analysis using routinely collected periodic health examination records
Effects of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health First Aid training programme for non-suicidal self-injury on stigmatising attitudes, confidence in ability to assist, and intended and actual assisting actions: an uncontrolled trial with precourse and postcourse measurement and 6-month follow-up
Mediating effects of psychological capital on the relationship between workplace violence and professional identity among nurses working in Chinese public psychiatric hospitals: a cross-sectional study
Out-of-pocket cost for medical care of injured patients presenting to emergency department of national hospital in Tanzania: a prospective cohort study
Prevention of physical restraints in the acute care setting (PROTECT): study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study
Understanding compensable and non-compensable patient profiles, pathways and physical outcomes for transport and work-related injuries in Queensland, Australia through data linkage
Why are patients with acute traumatic brain injury not routinely assessed or treated for vestibular dysfunction in the UK? A qualitative study
Workplace violence against paramedic personnel: a protocol for a scoping review