Cost-utility analysis of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in non-treatment-resistant depression: the DISCO randomised controlled study protocol
Depression: a common comorbidity in women with rheumatoid arthritis-results from an Austrian cross-sectional study
Effects of tai chi on postural control during dual-task stair negotiation in knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial protocol
Epidemiology of at-risk alcohol use and associated comorbidities of interest among community-dwelling older adults: a protocol for a systematic review
How large should a cause of death be in order to be included in mortality trend analysis? Deriving a cut-off point from retrospective trend analyses in 21 European countries
Suicidal behaviours and moderator support in online health communities: protocol for a scoping review
The effect of eHealth-based falls prevention programmes on balance in people aged 65 years and over living in the community: protocol for a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
The North Texas Concussion Registry (ConTex)
Update on the prevalence of persistent post-traumatic headache in adult civilian traumatic brain injury: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Working hours, common mental disorder and suicidal ideation among junior doctors in Australia: a cross-sectional survey