An examination of the Partner Cyber Abuse Questionnaire in a college student sample
Beyond resilience: why we need to look at systems too
Divorcing mothers' use of protective strategies: differences over time and by violence experience
Gendered pathways: violent childhood maltreatment, sex exchange, and drug use
Key roles of community connectedness in healing from trauma
Masculinity and bystander attitudes: moderating effects of masculine gender role stress
Measuring bystander behavior to prevent sexual violence: moving beyond self reports
Narrative writing exercises for promoting health among adolescents: promises and pitfalls
Polyvictimization: latent profiles and mental health outcomes in a clinical sample of adolescents
Preventing violence in context: the importance of culture for implementing systemic change
Strengths, narrative, and resilience: restorying resilience research
Talking about it: stories as paths to healing after violence
Validating the voodoo doll task as a proxy for aggressive parenting behavior