A flight simulator study to evaluate manual flying skills of airline pilots
A framework for analyzing intersection timing and red light collisions
A perceptual analysis of standard safety, fluorescent, and neon colors
Active traffic management signs and drivers' speed selection in a driving simulator
Aircraft seat in- and egress differences between elderly and young adults
An integrative simulation to study team cognition in emergency crisis management
Analysis of temperature and precipitation data in naturalistic motorcycle study
Assessment of a novel watchstanding schedule on an operational U.S. Navy vessel
Automation and inattentional blindness in a simulated flight task
Can we automate compliance to collision avoidance resolution advisories?
Case study: a novice unlicensed child operator of a motorized dirt bike versus an ambulance driver
Cerebral blood flow velocity and stress as predictors of decision making
Characterization of information automation on the flight deck
Child injury forensic human factors points to the need for better product designs and warnings
Cognitive process model of astronaut decision making during lunar landing
Cognitive processes supporting recognition in complex and dynamic tasks
Comparing the demands of destination entry using Google Glass and the Samsung Galaxy S4
Comprehension of newly introduced water-sport prohibitive signs in Korea by Westerners
Consumers' perceptions about autopilots and remote-controlled commercial aircraft
Correlations among self-reported driving characteristics and simulated driving performance measures
Covert texting during simulated driving maneuvers: effects of head-up versus head-down posture
Cyber vigilance effects of signal probability and event rate
Design and evaluation of the closed runway operation prevention device
Designing a decision support system for disaster management and recovery
Determining language for human to robot navigational commands
Drivers' response to dynamic gap assistance signs at simulated rural unsignalised T-intersections
Early-stage design and evaluation for nuclear power plant control room upgrades
Effects of mobile technology use on walking
Effects of oncoming vehicle size on overtaking judgments
Evaluation of the visual demands of digital billboards using a hybrid driving simulator
Examination of anthropometric databases for aircraft design
Executive functioning protects against stress in UAV simulation
Eye glance and head turn correspondence during secondary task performance in simulator driving
Eye glance behavior associated with cell-phone use: examination with naturalistic driving data
Fatigue in the automated vehicle: do games and conversation distract or energize the driver?
Highly automated driving with a decoupled steering wheel
Human factors as both the embodiment of and potential solution to a broken system of science
Human factors engineering at the Transportation Security Administration
I was blind but now i see: a manipulation of task relevance on inattentional blindness
Interruption practice reduces procedural errors at the post-completion step
Laptop heat and models of user thermal discomfort
Memory for a hazard is interrupted by performance of a secondary in-vehicle task
Modeling driving and sentence comprehension dual-task performance in queueing network-ACTR
Modeling the effect of loudness and semantics of speech warnings on human performances
Mutual interferences of driving and texting performance
On-road study of fatigue management strategies in long-haul truck drivers
Psychometric examination and validation of the Aggressive Driving Scale (ADS)
Rapid semantic annotation as an evaluative tool for warning symbol design
Rating of dog breed differences insights for quadropedal robot design
Relationship between frustration justification and vehicle control behaviors - a simulator study
Simulator evaluation of an integrated road safety training program
Staying in the zone: the cognitive components associated with offshore drillers' situation awareness
Surprise, attraction, and propagation: an aircraft is no place for a catastrophe
Tactile change blindness in an unmanned aerial vehicle control task
The effect of visual cues on how people handle interruptions
The effects of a workload transition on stress over time
The effects of reliability and criticality on an IED interrogation task
The good stranger frame for police and military activities
The hidden hazard of an invisible flame
The impact of auditory task complexity on primary task performance in military land vehicle crew
The influence of mental workload and information reliability on aerial search performance
The role of technology domestication on texting while driving
Top-down and bottom-up definitions of human failure events in human reliability analysis
Transfer of computer-based training to simulated driving in older adults
Transportation in an age-diverse society
Truck driving distractions impact on performance and physiological response
Usability of human factors standards
Use of cognitive task analysis to probe option-generation in law enforcement
Using iconic cues to recover from fixation on tablet devices in the cockpit
Variability in human performance - the roles of context specificity and closed-loop control
Variations on a theme: topic modeling of naturalistic driving data