A driving simulator study examining phone dialing with an iPhone vs. a button style flip-phone
A model-based measure to assess operator adherence to procedures
A personalized speech warning facilitates compliance in an immersive virtual environment
A pilot study of three-dimensional child anthropometry for vehicle safety analysis
A situated approach to shared situation awareness
A task-analytic approach for estimating driver task demands on specific roadway sections
A visual comparison of a single scenario in three driving simulators
Acceptability of evacuation instruction fire warnings
An assessment of spatial context on eye movement during a visual search task
An inside step in an aerial bucket reduces postural instability during ingress and egress
Analysis of new proposed air traffic control alerts in the NextGen midterm
Analysis of the risks and benefits of flight deck adaptive systems
Automated driving: human-factors issues and design solutions
Aviation decision making issues and outcomes: evidence from ASRS and NTSB reports
Classifying workload with eye movements in a complex task
Commercial drivers' initial attitudes toward an on-board monitoring system
Conspicuity of traffic signs assessed by eye tracking and immediate recall
Controller response times to surface safety alerts
Design and evaluation of a differential speedometer
Developing a unique research opportunity in control room alarm sonification
Development and validation of safety climate scales for the utility/electric power industry
Diagnostic monitoring of vigilance decrement using EEG workload indices
Differences in feedback use for correct and incorrect responses
Driver distraction: effects of text entry methods on driving performance
Driver response to unexpected automatic braking/haptic warning while backing
Driver-related delay in emergency braking response to a laterally incurring hazard
Drivers' visual behavior during backing tasks: factors affecting the use of rearview camera displays
Effect of data communications on pilot situation awareness, decision making, and workload
Effect of task modality on dual-task performance, response time, and ratings of operator workload
Effects of ramp slope on usability when a wheelchair is propelled by attendant
Effects of superposition on oculomotor guidance and target recognition
Electric vehicle charging station signs: an evaluation of driver comprehension and perceived risk
Emotional responses to trouble events on a train-driving simulator
Equating perceived urgency across auditory, visual, and tactile signals
Estimating the monetizable safety benefits of prototype air traffic control technologies
Evaluating a multimodal interface for firefighting rescue tasks
Evaluating public awareness of trip hazards on outdoor walkways
Evaluating the impact of grade crossing safety factors through signal detection theory
Evaluation of sounds for hybrid and electric vehicles operating at low speed
Evaluation of two types of in-vehicle music retrieval and navigation systems
Examining the efficacy of training interventions in improving older driver performance
Experimental evidence for the field of safe travel
Exploring human error in an RPA target detection task
Eye tracking-based target designation in simulated close range air combat
Four key challenges in disaster response
How accurate are older drivers' judgments of the effects of headlight glare on acuity?
Human factors at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): from research to reality
Human reliability analysis in major accident risk analyses in the Norwegian petroleum industry
Identifying support requirements for airport departure management
Improving public response to disaster warnings: a discussion panel
Individual differences in cognitive flexibility predict performance in vigilance tasks
Innovative systems for human supervisory control of unmanned vehicles
Intuitiveness of symbol features for air traffic management
Investigating improper lane changes: driver performance contributing to lane change near-crashes
Lane specific dilemma zone warnings at signalized intersections
Level of automation effects on situation awareness and functional specificity in automation reliance
Looking back: examining the trends of driver distraction from 2007-2011
Looming threshold limits and their use in forensic practice
Memory and recognition of a non-target during a threat detection visual search task
Missing critical auditory alarms in aeronautics: evidence for inattentional deafness?
Most natural and propane (LP) gas service users report not having electronic gas detectors
Neural correlates of physical and mental fatigue
NextGen flight deck data comm: auxiliary synthetic speech - phase I
Older adult engagement in activities: all motivations are not created equal
On the relation between reliance and compliance in an aided visual scanning task
Operators' adaption to unreliability of alarm systems: a performance and eye-tracking analysis
Optically-controlled braking responses to variable deceleration magnitudes in a car-following task
Patterns in mining haul truck accidents
Perceived urgency and annoyance of auditory alerts in a driving context
Perceived urgency scaling in tactile alerts
Performance of visually impaired users during simulated boarding and alighting on low-floor buses
Prediction of traffic complexity and controller workload in mixed equipage NextGen environments
Prosodic cues that signal non-understandings to power control operators during radio communication
Quantifying a vehicle interior design's ability to accommodate drivers' preferences
Range of motion and reaches of warfighters in body armor
Reading while driving: a study on drivers' strategies of in-vehicle task initiation
Real-time detection of drowsiness related lane departures using steering wheel angle
Requirements and design for better cultural situation awareness: delivering the right information
Searching in clutter: Visual attention strategies of expert pilots
Sonification discriminability and perceived urgency
Speed and accuracy in driver emergency avoidance
Structuring data to compare driver behavior across driving simulators
Superior visual search accuracy after exposure to natural relative to urban environments
The effect of simulation style on performance
The effects of interruption context on task performance
The effects of reading and writing text-based messages while driving
The effects of texting and driving on hazard perception
The interpenetration of mind and machine
The role of mental computations in current and future en route air traffic control
The world is not enough: trust in cognitive agents
UAS integration into the NAS: an examination of baseline compliance in the current airspace system
Using orange traffic cones to warn of pedestrian hazards
Using variable-rate alerting to counter boredom in human supervisory control
Validation of inhibition tasks for a comprehensive assessment of visual attention across age groups
Variance as a method for objectively assessing pilot performance
Visualizations and interaction methods for resilient submarine decision support
Walking backwards without looking: an observational study
Weibull analyses of the fatigue life of human tissues
Working late: strategies to enhance productive and healthy environments for the older workforce