Adverse childhood experiences are associated with illicit drug use among pregnant women with middle to high socioeconomic status: findings from the All Our Families Cohort
Childbirth violence-based negative health consequences: a qualitative study in Iranian women
Common mental disorders and intimate partner violence against pregnant women living with HIV in Cameroon: a cross-sectional analysis
Domestic violence and its relationship with quality of life in pregnant women during the outbreak of COVID-19 disease
Factors influencing stress, anxiety, and depression among Iranian pregnant women: the role of sexual distress and genital self-image
Giving women WOICE postpartum: prevalence of maternal morbidity in high-risk pregnancies using the WHO-WOICE instrument
Impact of domestic violence against pregnant women in Minia governorate, Egypt: a cross sectional study
Intergenerational effects of violence on women's perinatal wellbeing and infant health outcomes: evidence from a birth cohort study in Central Vietnam
Internet-based behavioural activation to improve depressive symptoms and prevent child abuse in postnatal women (SmartMama): a protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Intimate partner violence as a predictor of antenatal care services utilization in Rwanda
Lived experiences of Ugandan women who had recovered from a clinical diagnosis of postpartum depression: a phenomenological study
Prevalence of postpartum depression and associated factors among women in Mbarara and Rwampara districts of south-western Uganda
Prevalence of suicidal ideation and associated factors among HIV positive perinatal women on follow-up at Gondar town health institutions, Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on one-month postpartum mothers in a metropolitan area of Japan
Psychosocial stratification of antenatal indicators to guide population-based programs in perinatal depression
Screening for antenatal depression and its determinants among pregnant women in Qatar: revisiting the biopsychosocial model
The effect of sexual health education on sexual activity, sexual quality of life, and sexual violence in pregnancy: a prospective randomized controlled trial
The effect of solution-focused counseling on violence rate and quality of life of pregnant women at risk of domestic violence: a randomized controlled trial
Violence and depression among pregnant women in Egypt