Drug and alcohol dependence reports
Articles in SafetyLit
Y-Axis = Volume :: X-Axis = Issue
?=unknown status :: X=no issue published :: nn=articles from issue :: A=relevant article(s) IDed to add
S=searched, nothing relevant :: O=issue published but not yet searched :: C=combination issue
| |
1 (2021) | 2 |
2 (2022) | 5 |
3 (2022) | 8 |
4 (2022) | 2 |
5 (2022) | 5 |
6 (2023) | 3 |
7 (2023) | 5 |
8 (2023) | 2 |
9 (2023) | 2 |
10 (2024) | 3 |
11 (2024) | 1 |
12 (2024) | 2 |