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  • Public Admin.
    Public administration
    Published by Royal Institute of Public Administration
    Earliest: 2004; 82(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 94(4) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Public Admin. Dev.
    Public administration and development
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2008; 28(4) -- Most Recent: 2009; 29(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Administration and Policy
    Public Administration and Policy
    Earliest: 2018; 21(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 23(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Adm. Rev.
    Public administration review
    Copyright: American Society for Public Administration; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1980; 40(3) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Public Aff. Q.
    Public affairs quarterly
    Published by Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
    Earliest: 1993; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 33(3) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Public Aff. Rep.
    Public affairs report : bulletin of the bureau of public administration
    Published by Bulletin of the Bureau of Public Administration
    Earliest: 1984; 25(1) -- Most Recent: 1984; 25(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Choice
    Public choice
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1984; 43(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Publ. Cult.
    Public culture
    Published by Duke University Press
    Earliest: 2003; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2018; 30(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Public Finance Review
    Public finance review
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1973; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2000; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Public Health
    Public health
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1890; 2(-) -- Most Recent: 2024; 235 -- Total from this journal: 731

  • Public Health Action
    Public health action
    Published by International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
    Earliest: 2016; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2018; 8(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Health Bull. (Wash. DC)
    Public health bulletin (Washington, DC)
    Published by United States Public Health Service
    Earliest: 1941; (265) -- Most Recent: 1941; 1941(265) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Public Health Chall.
    Public health challenges
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2022; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2(4) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Public Health Ethics
    Public health ethics
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2008; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 16(1) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Public Health Forum
    Public health forum
    Published by De Gruyter
    Earliest: 1999; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 2019; 27(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Public Health Genomics
    Public health genomics
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2014; 18(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 18(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Health Pract. (Oxf)
    Public health in practice (Oxford, England)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2020; 1 -- Most Recent: 2024; 7 -- Total from this journal: 25

  • Public Health Inst. J.
    Public Health Institute journal
    Published by Liverpool John Moores Universithy
    Earliest: 2023; 2023(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Health Law Policy J.
    Public health law and policy journal
    Published by William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Public Health Medicine
    Public Health Medicine
    Earliest: 2005; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2005; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Health Monogr.
    Public health monograph
    Published by Public Health Service
    Earliest: 1953; 14 -- Most Recent: 1953; 14 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Health Nurs.
    Public health nursing
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1947; 39(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 220

  • Public Health Nutr.
    Public health nutrition
    Copyright: Nutrition Society; Published by Cambridge University Press
    Earliest: 2004; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 24

  • Public Health Indones.
    Public health of Indonesia
    Published by Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI) Sulawesi Tenggara
    Earliest: 2015; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 1(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Health Pap.
    Public health papers
    Published by World Health Organization
    Earliest: 1961; 5 -- Most Recent: 1985; 81 -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Public Health Pap. Rep.
    Public health papers and reports
    Published by American Public Health Assn
    Earliest: 1896; 22 -- Most Recent: 1907; 33(Pt 1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Health Rep. (1896)
    Public health reports (1896)
    Published by U.S. Public Health Service
    Earliest: 1929; 44(47) -- Most Recent: 1970; 85(12) -- Total from this journal: 144

  • Public Health Rep. (1974)
    Public health reports (1974)
    Published by Association of Schools of Public Health
    Earliest: 1902; 17(50) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 755

  • Public Health Res. (Southampt.)
    Public health research (Southampton, England)
    Published by NIHR Journals Library
    Earliest: 2021; 9(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 12(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Public Health Res. Pract.
    Public health research and practice
    Published by Sax Institute
    Earliest: 2016; 26(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 34(1) -- Total from this journal: 27

  • Public Health Rev.
    Public health reviews
    Published by International Health Publications
    Earliest: 1975; 4(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 45 -- Total from this journal: 47

  • Public Health Rev. (2010)
    Public health reviews (2010)
    Published by Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region
    Earliest: 2010; 32(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 35(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Hist.
    Public historian, The
    Published by University of California Press
    Earliest: 2005; 27(2) -- Most Recent: 2017; 39(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Public Integrity
    Public Integrity
    Earliest: 2017; 19(5) -- Most Recent: 2018; 20(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Interest
    Public interest, The
    Published by National Affairs
    Earliest: 1978; (51) -- Most Recent: 1993; (111) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • PLoS Med.
    Public Library of Science medicine
    Published by Public Library of Science
    Earliest: 2004; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 21(5) -- Total from this journal: 228

  • Public Library Quarterly
    Public Library Quarterly
    Earliest: 1990; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 1990; 10(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Lighting
    Public lighting
    Earliest: 1973; 38(160) -- Most Recent: 1973; 38(160) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Manag. Rev.
    Public management review
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2003; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2003; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Money and Management
    Public Money and Management
    Earliest: 2006; 26(5) -- Most Recent: 2006; 26(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Money Manage.
    Public Money Manage.
    Earliest: 2005; 25(5) -- Most Recent: 2005; 25(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Opin. Q.
    Public opinion quarterly
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 1955; 19(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Publ. Organ. Rev.
    Public organization review
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2008; 8(2) -- Most Recent: 2021; 21(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Personnel Management
    Public personnel management
    Published by Public Personnel Management
    Earliest: 1994; 23(4) -- Most Recent: 2013; 42(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Philos. J.
    Public philosophy journal
    Published by Michigan State University; Pennsylvania State University; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
    Earliest: 2019; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Policy (New York)
    Public policy (New York)
    Published by Harvard Univ Press
    Earliest: 1975; 23(4) -- Most Recent: 1981; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Public Policy (Tokyo)
    Public policy (Tokyo)
    Published by Public Policy Studies Association Japan
    Earliest: 2000; 2000 -- Most Recent: 2000; 2000 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Policy Admin. (Thousand Oaks)
    Public policy and administration
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2009; 24(2) -- Most Recent: 2013; 28(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Public Policy Admin. (Vilnius)
    Public policy and administration (Vilnius)
    Published by Mykolas Romeris University
    Earliest: 2011; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 22(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Public policy and administration research
    Public policy and administration research
    Earliest: 2015; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2015; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Policy Aging Rep,
    Public policy and aging report, THe
    Copyright: Gerontological Society of America; Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2022; 32(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 32(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Policy Res.
    Public policy research
    Copyright: Institute for Public Policy Research (London, England); Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 14(1) -- Most Recent: 2009; 16(3) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Public Relat J
    Public Relat J
    Earliest: 1979; 35(3) -- Most Recent: 1979; 35(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Relations Inquiry
    Public Relations Inquiry
    Earliest: 2016; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2016; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Relat. Rev.
    Public relations review
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1975; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 50(4) -- Total from this journal: 26

  • Public Roads
    Public roads
    Published by U.S. Federal Highway Administration
    Earliest: 1987; 51(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 86(4) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Public Transp.
    Public transport
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2009; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 15(2) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Public Transp. Int.
    Public transport international
    Published by Union internationale des transports public urbains et régionaux
    Earliest: 2005; 54(4) -- Most Recent: 2005; 54(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Underst. Sci.
    Public understanding of science
    Copyright: Institute of Physics in association with the Science Museum; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2000; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Public Welf.
    Public welfare
    Published by American Public Welfare Association
    Earliest: 1978; 36(4) -- Most Recent: 1978; 36(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Welf. Indiana
    Public welfare in Indiana
    Published by Indiana Department of Public Welfare
    Earliest: 1948; 58(5) -- Most Recent: 1948; 58(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Public Works
    Public works
    Published by Hanley Wood Media
    Earliest: 1979; 110(10) -- Most Recent: 2007; 138(9) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Public Works Manag. Policy
    Public works management and policy
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1998; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 44

  • Publicaciones 2004Unidad de Bioética - IKM
    Publicaciones 2004Unidad de Bioética - IKM
    Earliest: 2004; -- Most Recent: 2004; -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Publ. B. Aires Cent. Investig.
    Publicaciones. Buenos Aires. Centro de Investigaciones Tisiológicas
    Published by Pabellon "Las Provincias"
    Earliest: 1955; 18 -- Most Recent: 1955; 18 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Publ. Group Adv. Psychiatry
    Publication - Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
    Published by Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
    Earliest: 1982; 11(112) -- Most Recent: 1982; 11(112) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Publ. Am. Stat. Assoc.
    Publications of the American Statistical Association
    Published by American Statistical Association
    Earliest: 1905; 9 -- Most Recent: 1919; 16 -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Publications of the English Goethe Society
    Publications of the English Goethe Society
    Earliest: 2012; 82(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 82(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Publishing Research Quarterly
    Publishing Research Quarterly
    Earliest: 1994; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 1994; 10(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Publius
    Publius: the journal of federalism
    Copyright: Temple University, Center for the Study of Federalism; Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 1985; 15(3) -- Most Recent: 2017; 47(3) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Publizistik
    Earliest: 2010; 55(4) -- Most Recent: 2010; 55(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • P. R. Health Sci. J.
    Puerto Rico health sciences journal
    Published by University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
    Earliest: 1988; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 42(2) -- Total from this journal: 48

  • Puesta al Dia en Urgencias, Emergencias y Catastrofes
    Puesta al Dia en Urgencias, Emergencias y Catastrofes
    Earliest: 2009; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2009; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Pula: Botswana journal of African studies
    Pula: Botswana journal of African studies
    Earliest: 2015; 28(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 30(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Pulm. Pharmacol. Ther.
    Pulmonary pharmacology and therapeutics
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2007; 20(2) -- Most Recent: 2011; 24(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Pulmonology
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Punishm. Soc.
    Punishment and society
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2001; 3(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 25(3) -- Total from this journal: 63

  • Punk Post Punk
    Punk and Post-Punk
    Published by Intellect
    Earliest: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Purch. Adm.
    Purchasing administration
    Published by McKnight Medical Communications, Inc
    Earliest: 1978; 2(5) -- Most Recent: 1978; 2(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Pure Appl. Chem.
    Pure and applied chemistry
    Published by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
    Earliest: 1969; 18(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 96(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Pure Appl. Geophys.
    Pure and applied geophysics
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2011; 168(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Pyramid J. Med.
    Pyramid journal of medicine
    Published by Page Press
    Earliest: 2019; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

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