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You can eliminate the problem by unsubscribing using the link in one of your duplicate weekly update messages.

Each weekly email message contains an unsubscribe link near the bottom of the message. Click that link and a Web page will open. Click on the unsubscribe button and you will be removed from the SafetyLit email list.

Send an email to:

I will see that you are removed from the list.

At the bottom of your weekly email message is a link to update your email address. Clicking on that link should open your browser to the change address page on the SafetyLit website. Use the e-form to enter your new email address. You will need to enter it twice to reduce the likelihood of typographical errors.

Your ISP or your email software may think that the SafetyLit Update is unwanted SPAM. There are several possible causes for this. Please send me an email from the address that should be receiving the updates. I'll try to help.