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Journal Article


Hegarty K, Hameed MA, Addison MJ, Tassone S, Tarzia L. Violence Vict. 2024; 39(3): 243-262.


(Copyright © 2024, Springer Publishing)






Men's use of domestic violence is a major public health issue globally. However, the potential for technology to address this issue has been limited within research and practice. This study aimed to test the feasibility and acceptability of an online healthy relationship tool (BETTER MAN) for men who have used domestic violence to encourage help-seeking. A pre- and postsurvey with a 3-month follow-up was used. One hundred and forty men enrolled, with retention rates of 79% (111) immediately after BETTER MAN and 62% (86) at 3 months. Participants were diverse men (mean age of 32 years, 33% born outside Australia, 19% in same-sex relationships, and 2% Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander). The majority (70%, 58) of men reported behaviors classified as moderate risk (e.g., checked partner's phone, picked on partner, and controlled money) and 24% (20) as high-risk behaviors (e.g., scared partner, physical force, and unwanted sexual activities). Post BETTER MAN, there was a significant increase in mean intention to contact counseling service (baseline 5.8, immediately 6.7, and 3-month follow-up 7.2) and mean confidence in the ability to seek help (baseline 3.7, immediately 5.1, and 3-month follow-up 7.2). Men's readiness to make changes in behavior median score significantly moved from baseline (5.9-I am not ready to take action), immediately (6.7-I am ready to make some changes), and 3-month follow-up (7.2-I have begun to change my behavior). At 3-month follow-up, 55% (47/86) of men reported accessing counseling services compared with 34% (46/140) of men at baseline.

FINDINGS suggest that it is feasible that BETTER MAN might work to engage men to seek help and is acceptable to men using domestic violence. However, a large-scale randomized controlled trial is needed to determine the effectiveness of BETTER MAN on help-seeking behaviors for men's use of domestic violence.

Language: en


Humans; Adult; Male; perpetrators; Australia; Motivation; domestic violence; Young Adult; technology; Patient Acceptance of Health Care; Intimate Partner Violence; help-seeking; *Feasibility Studies; *Help-Seeking Behavior; early engagement; men


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