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Journal Article


Bolton M, Chadwick S, Ueland M. Forensic Sci. Int. 2024; 362: e112155.


(Copyright © 2024, Elsevier Publishing)






Most firearm related homicides involve the deceased being forensically examined within a day or two, however, there are times when bodies have been examined and the fired components removed several days or weeks after death, when the body is in an active or advanced state of decomposition. In these cases, ballistic investigation has been found to be complicated due to the damage to the bullets, however the extent of this is not yet known. To date, there have been no studies investigating the effect of human decomposition and the subsequent analysis of bullets lodged in the body in an Australian context. Herein, seven fired copper jacketed bullets were manually inserted into three specific tissue types; lungs, abdomen and leg muscle (twenty-one bullets in total), of human donors in both cool and warm conditions at the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research (AFTER). Bullets were removed every three days for a period of twenty-one days, and each bullet underwent manual microscopic examinations by firearms examiners across Australia.

RESULTS have indicated that the bullets corrode quickly in warm conditions, compared to bullets exposed to decomposition in cooler conditions. The results of this study will inform investigators and pathologists of the need to remove and examine fired bullets from decomposed bodies as soon as possible, especially in warm conditions to provide firearms examiners with the best opportunity to link fired bullets to a common source.

Language: en


Firearms; Forensic ballistics; PMI; Research facility; Taphonomy


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