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Journal Article


Al-Sabaileh S, Abusamak M, Al-Buqour AK, Mehaisen L, Sabayleh RS, Abusamak TM. Cureus 2024; 16(6): e62883.


(Copyright © 2024, Curēus)








Background There is a global increase in the number of deaths caused by violent neck asphyxia, which includes both suicides and homicides. This research presents autopsy-based findings and analytical demographic data that are pertinent to significant medicolegal cases.

METHODS A retrospective examination of 113 autopsy reports of non-accidental violent neck asphyxia reported to the forensic pathology department of Al-Balqa Governorate in Jordan within the period from January 2010 to March 2023. Age, gender, and autopsy results were documented, along with medicolegal records that included toxicology reports. Conversely, information on the manner of death was derived from police inquest records. For the purpose of this research, all the cases of throttling and ligature strangulation have been determined to be homicidal, and all cases of hanging were classified as suicide.

RESULTS Males were predominant in hanging (72%), while females were predominant in ligature strangulation (82%). The mean age group in hanging was 21-35 years (51%), while the range for throttling was 36-50 years, and that in strangulation was 2-20 years. Most hanging and throttling cases showed typical external neck findings. Seventy-two percent of hanging cases (n = 68) did not exhibit any internal neck findings, while all throttling cases yielded positive results. Both hanging and strangulation by ligature cases exhibited an absence of thyroid cartilage fracture (83%). Eighty-nine cases (95%) of hanging did not exhibit any injuries to the rest of the body. However, all cases of throttling and ligature strangulation had an almost positive external body injury. In all cases of throttling and ligature strangulation, ocular petechial hemorrhage was present, whereas one-third of the hanging cases had it.

CONCLUSION The forensic doctor must observe the pattern of ligature marks and other signs of physical assault found on the neck, meticulously examine the rest of the body, rule out other causes of death, and cooperate with the legal authorities regarding the collection of the history and death scene findings to accurately determine the manner and mechanism of death in cases of violent neck asphyxia.

Language: en


autopsy findings of asphyxia; classical signs of asphyxia; petechial hemorrhages; thyroid cartilage fractures; violent neck asphyxia


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