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Journal Article


Nwachi CC, Onwuegbuchunam DE, Mustapha AM, Odoemela QC. Int. J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Rosemead, Calif.) 2024; 13(1): 13-22.


(Copyright © 2024, Scientific and Academic Publishing)






Management of on-street parking in Central Business Districts (CBDs) presents significant challenges to urban planners, transport administrators and other policy makers due to increasing urbanization, limited spaces for further development and growing vehicle ownership. The purpose of this study was to determine significant factors impacting on-street parking and management in Owerri Municipal's CBD. This research employed a survey research approach to obtain primary data on characteristics of on-street parking and managerial challenges in the CBD. Accordingly, copies of structured, 5-point Likert scaled questionnaire were designed and administered to a random sample which comprised civil servants, business professional and other itinerant workers who operate in the CBD. The respondents were required to rate their response on statements relating to factors affecting on-street parking, parking infrastructure/facilities and their management in the study area. To test the hypotheses governing the study, a one-sample statistical test of proportions was applied to determine significant differences in opinion of the respondents. Evidence from the data analysis showed that on-street parking in the CBD stemmed from inadequate provision of parking facilities and infrastructure, illegal parks/parking and weak enforcement of regulations by the local authority. The authors also established from the analysis that issuance of paid parking permits, time, lane and zone controlled parking system were significant administrative measures for addressing on-street parking challenges in the CBD. In addition, implementation of approved parking signage, parking markings; parking spaces and provision of multi-story infrastructure were also found to be significant infrastructure solutions for managing the on-street parking in the study area. The implications of research findings on urban planning and policy formulation were discussed.

Language: en


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