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Journal Article


Yendluri A, Hrabarchuk EI, Obana KK, Namiri NK, Plancher KD, Trofa DP, Parisien RL. Orthop. J. Sports Med. 2024; 12(6): e23259671241255704.


(Copyright © 2024, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Publisher SAGE Publishing)








BACKGROUND: While prevention protocols have been implemented, skiing-related musculoskeletal injuries and concussions continue to present to emergency departments in the United States. Previous literature has suggested the pediatric population may constitute up to 40% of skiing-related injuries.

PURPOSE: To assess injury trends and the underlying mechanisms of skiing injuries in pediatric patients seen at emergency departments in the United States. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiology study.

METHODS: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) was queried for pediatric (age ≤18 years) skiing injuries between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2022. Injury mechanism, location, disposition, and diagnosis were recorded, and the statistical sample weight assigned by NEISS by hospital was used to calculate national estimates (NEs). Injury trends were evaluated with linear regression analysis.

RESULTS: Overall, 2951 pediatric skiing injuries were included (NE = 123,386). The mean age of the patients was 12.4 ± 3.5 years, with 61.3% of the injuries occurring in male patients. Impact with the ground was the most common injury mechanism (NE = 87,407; 70.8%). Fractures were the most common diagnosis (NE = 38,527, 31.2%), followed by strains/sprains (NE = 22,562, 18.3%), contusions/abrasions (NE = 16,257, 13.2%), and concussions (NE = 12,449, 10.1%). The lower leg was the most common fracture site (NE = 9509, 24.7%), followed by the shoulder (NE = 7131, 18.5%) and lower arm (NE = 5876, 15.3%). Analysis of annual injuries revealed no significant trend between 2012 and 2022 (P = .17), with fluctuations apparent throughout the study period. Significant decreases were seen in strains/sprains (P < .01) and contusions/abrasions (P < .01), but not in concussions (P = .57) or fractures (P = .70).

CONCLUSION: Impacts with the snow/ground made up 70.8% of all injuries. Fractures were the most common injury diagnosis, followed by strains/sprains, with the lower leg being most frequently fractured. While strains/sprains and contusions/abrasions showed a significant decline, there were no significant trends in fractures and concussions between 2012 and 2022.

Language: en


concussions; pediatrics; injuries; skiing; fractures; NEISS


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