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Journal Article


Shively RM, Harding SA, Hoffman RS, Hill AD, Astua AJ, Manini AF. Clin. Toxicol. (Phila) 2020; 58(4): 290-293.


(Copyright © 2020, Informa - Taylor and Francis Group)






INTRODUCTION: Amygdalin, marketed misleadingly as supplement "Vitamin B17," is a cyanogenic glycoside. When swallowed, it is hydrolyzed into cyanide in the small intestine, which causes histotoxic hypoxia via inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase. It remains available for purchase online despite a ban from the US Food and Drug Administration. We report a case of massive intentional amygdalin overdose resulting in recurrent cyanide toxicity after initial successful antidotal therapy.Case summary: A 33-year-old woman intentionally ingested 20 g of "apricot POWER B17 Amygdalin" supplements. She presented five hours post-ingestion with vital signs: P 127 bpm, BP 112/65 mmHg, RR 25/min, temperature 98.1 °F, and SpO2 98% RA. She was in agitated delirium, diaphoretic, and mydriatic. Her VBG was notable for a pH of 7.27 (rr 7.32-7.42) and lactate 14.1 mmol/L (rr 0.5-2.2), with ECG demonstrating QTc 538 ms (normal <440 ms). She was empirically treated with hydroxocobalamin and supportive care, but worsened clinically, requiring intubation and additional hydroxocobalamin and sodium thiosulfate, which resolved her toxicity. Twelve hours later, she developed recurrent hypotension, acidemia, and QTc prolongation that resolved with repeat hydroxocobalamin and sodium thiosulfate dosing.

DISCUSSION: Our case demonstrates rebound metabolic acidosis after massive amygdalin overdose. Toxicity was associated with prolonged QTc, which warrants further investigation into clinical significance. Redosing of combination antidotal therapy suggested efficacy without adverse effects.

Language: en


Humans; Adult; Female; Drug Overdose; Suicide, Attempted; Antidotes; toxicity; cyanide; rebound; acidosis; Acidosis; Dietary Supplements; Long QT Syndrome; Amygdalin


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