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Journal Article


Aufranc AL. J. Anal. Psychol. 2022; 67(1): 33-44.


(Copyright © 2022, Society of Analytical Psychology, Publisher John Wiley and Sons)






Starting with the current pandemic, a potent symbol of death for all, the author explores the need to transform our vision of, and position in, the world. The author describes the world in which we live in terms of accelerated transformation and extreme imbalance: environmental suicide, consumerism, environmental pollution, global warming and intense polarization brought about by techno-populism. She reflects on the enantiodromia of our current times in which the focus has shifted from extreme spirituality to the opposite extreme of materialism. She returns to the concepts of the psychoid archetype and unus mundus, and analogous concepts in quantum physics, examining the need to review the polarities of psyche and matter in the search for a new synthesis. The author then concludes by highlighting the importance of consciousness in the elaboration and construction of a new way of being in the world.

Language: en


Humans; Female; Psychotherapy; consciousness; conscience; Physics; global warming; fisica quantistica; aquecimento global; archetipo psicoide; archétype du psychoïde; arquetipo psicoide; arquétipo psicóide; Bewußtsein; calentamiento global; consciencia; consciência; consumerism; consumérisme; consumismo; contaminación ambiental; coscienza; environmental pollution; física cuántica; física quântica; globale Erwärmung; inquinamento ambientale; Konsumismus; physique quantique; pollution environnementale; poluição ambiental; psiche-materia; psique-materia; psique-matéria; Psyche-Materie; psyché-matière; psyche-matter; psychoid archetype; psychoider Archetyp; Quantenphysik; quantum physics; réchauffement climatique; riscaldamento globale; Umweltverschmutzung; глобальное потепление; загрязнение окружающей среды; квантовая физика; потребительство; психика - материя; психоидный архетип; сознание; 全球警报; 原子物理; 心理-物质; 心理活力原型; 意识; 消费主义; 环境污染


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