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Journal Article


Rangam H, Sivasankaran SK, Balasubramanian V. Traffic Injury Prev. 2024; ePub(ePub): ePub.


(Copyright © 2024, Informa - Taylor and Francis Group)






OBJECTIVE: Modern transportation amenities and lifestyles have changed people's behavioral patterns while using the road, specifically at nighttime. Pedestrian and driver maneuver behaviors change based on their exposure to the environment. Pedestrians are more vulnerable to fatal injuries at junctions due to increased conflict points with vehicles. Generation of precrash scenarios allows drivers and pedestrians to understand errors on the road during driver maneuvering and pedestrian walking/crossing. This study aims to generate precrash scenarios using comprehensive nighttime fatal pedestrian crashes at junctions in Tamil Nadu, India.

METHODS: Though numerous studies were available on identifying pedestrian crash patterns, only some focused on identifying crash patterns at junctions at night. We used cluster correspondence analysis (CCA) to address this research gap to identify the patterns in nighttime pedestrian fatal crashes at junctions. Further, high-risk precrash scenarios were generated based on the positive residual means available in each cluster. This study used crash data from the Road Accident Database Management System of Tamil Nadu State in India from 2009 to 2018. Characteristics of pedestrians, drivers, vehicles, crashes, light, and roads were input to the CCA to find optimal clusters using the average silhouette width, Calinski-Harabasz measure, and objective values.

RESULTS: CCA found 4 clusters with 2 dimensions as optimal clusters, with an objective value of 3.3618 and a valence criteria ratio of 80.03%.

RESULTS from the analysis distinctly clustered the pedestrian precrash behaviors: Clusters 1 and 2 on pedestrian walking behaviors and clusters 3 and 4 on crossing behaviors. Moreover, a hidden pattern was observed in cluster 4, such as transgender drivers involved in fatal pedestrian crashes at junctions at night.

CONCLUSION: The generated precrash scenarios may be used to train drivers (novice and inexperienced for nighttime driving), test scenario creation for developing advanced driver/rider assistance systems, hypothesis creation for researchers, and planning of effective strategic interventions for engineers and policymakers to change pedestrian and driver behaviors toward sustainable safety on Indian roads.

Language: en


average silhouette width; behavioral change; cluster correspondence analysis; Pedestrian fatal crashes at junctions; precrash scenarios


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