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Journal Article


Choi M, Han M, Choi JW, Lee J, Kwak B. Korean J. Leg. Med. (2007) 2010; 1-6.


(Copyright © 2010, Korean Society for Legal Medicine)






The death caused by a hand grenade detonation is extremely uncommon and specialized event in Korea cause that it used in military fields, and these cases are only investigated by CIC (Criminal Investigation Command) of ROK Army. The hand grenade is small, light weighted anti-human explosive, so it uses widely than other explosive objects. The morphological characteristics seeing in victim by hand grenade detonation are very variable according to position, distance of explosion, type of grenade, environmental effects, and so many others. We performed retrospective analysis of 23 cases of death by hand grenade in ROK Army from 1990 to 2008. These cases are classified by direction and position of wounds, injuries of external and internal organs. Most of all are contact or near contact range detonation, and the focus of detonation is suggested anterior chest wall mostly. Amputations or critical wounds are mostly located on hand, arm, anterior chest, but wounds of dorsal portion is relatively rare. Most of all are suggested to detonate grenade in standing or straightened-arm position. Internal organ damages, such as hemothorax, hemoperitoneum, hemopericardium by detonation pressure or penetration by fragments, are seen in 75% cases of all, and the organs are mostly heart, lung and other hollow organs. External examination may fail to show fatal external damage or wound. The data of this analysis would be used as adjunctive and objective examples of investigation of death by hand grenade in Korea.

Language: ko


homicide; suicide; detonation; hand grenade


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