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Journal Article


Park JH, Kim HJ, Seo JS. Korean J. Leg. Med. (2007) 2012; 56-62.


(Copyright © 2012, Korean Society for Legal Medicine)






Propofol is a widely used anesthetic in anesthesia and sedation. Recent cases of propofol-induced death have been associated with adverse effects, abuse, or intoxication. However, there are few forensic reports of propofol-associated death. We reviewed and analyzed 36 cases of death related to propofol administration recorded by the National Forensic Service in 2000-2011. The number of women was 28 (77.8%). Subjects in their 20s and 30s accounted for 61.1% of cases. Cause included medical accidents, 16 (44.4%); suicides, 2 (5.6%); and undetermined, 18 (50%; suicide/accident). Of the 16 medical accidents, 8 were internal medicine cases (conscious sedation endoscopy), 3 surgical cases, 3 plastic surgery cases, 1 urology case, and 1 obstetrics and gynecology case. In 20 cases of suicide or undetermined (suicide/accident), the victims were nurses (9 cases), doctors (4 cases), hospital administrators (2 cases), homemakers (2 cases), bar hostesses (2 cases) and an office worker (1 case). The doctor included 2 plastic surgeons, an internist, and a resident anesthesiologist. The autopsy findings were nonspecific; congested parenchymal organs (34 cases), pulmonary edema (8 cases), cerebral edema (2 cases), pulmonary and cerebral edema (2 cases), putrefaction (2 cases), mucosal petechiae in the interior of the larynx (1 case), and cerebral ischemic necrosis and pneumonia (1 case). The blood propofol concentrations ranged between 0.007 mg/L (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) or 0.23 mg/L (no cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and 4.38 mg/L in medical accident cases, and from 0.12 mg/L to 108.3 mg/L in suicide or undetermined (suicide/accident) cases. Other drugs were detected in 17 cases and alcohol was detected in only 2 cases. Blood concentrations in cases of medical accident were lower than in cases of undetermined cause.

Language: ko


forensic autopsy study; propofol-related death


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