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Journal Article


Jo HJ, Kim ES, Bae HI, Chae JM, Kwak JS. Korean J. Leg. Med. (2007) 1999; 1-7.


(Copyright © 1999, Korean Society for Legal Medicine)






This is a report revealing statical cause of death brought to the department of forensic medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine based on the result of autopsy. The summary of result is as follows. 1. The number of autopsy made during 1998 were 356, of these 225 cases (63.2%) were male, and 131 (36.8%) were female. 2. 30's, 40's, 20's and 50's was the order according to the number of violent death, and in case of natural death, 30's, 50's, 40's was the oder. 3. August is the period during which autopsies are made most, with December placing second, and the other months are similar. 4. In distributing deaths by cases, violent deaths were 241 cases (67.7%), natural deaths were 105 (29.5%) and unknown cases were 10 (2.8%). 5. For the violent deaths, deaths due to injury were 128 cases (53.1%), asphyxia were 63 (26.1%), intoxications were 30 (12.4%) and abnormal temperature were 19 (7.9%). According to relationship with deaths, homicide is outstanding with 101 cases (41.9%), while suicide and accidental death was the same with 62 cases (25.7%). 6. For death due to injury, death due to blunt injury were 48 cases, sharp force injury which was used most in case of homicide were 43. 7. For the asphyxia, drowning is the most 20 cases, 13 cases of which is accidental death. 8. The deaths of intoxication is the largest part of suicide, and most of intoxication were involved in agrochemical. 9. Of 105 cases of natural death, deaths due to the disease of cardiovascular system were 51 cases (48.6%), of which deaths due to myocardial infraction were 35 cases. 10. Of all autopsy, alcohol intake were checked out in 90 cases and 21 cases of medical controversy took places. 11. Of all violent deaths, the cases involved in the discord between man and woman occupied percentage of 9.6. Of these, homicides were 18 cases, with all sacrificed being females, and of 16 cases of suicide, 13 cases were female.

Language: ko


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