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Journal Article


Liu VC, Nelson LRE, Shorey S. Trauma Violence Abuse 2024; ePub(ePub): ePub.


(Copyright © 2024, SAGE Publishing)






Exposure to trauma elevates the risk of illness in women, resulting in increased healthcare costs. The trauma-informed care approach seeks to enhance patient engagement and promote more effective recovery for those with a history of psychological trauma. This qualitative systematic review aims to synthesize evidence related to the experiences of women receiving trauma-informed care using Sandelowski and Barroso's two-step approach for qualitative research synthesis. A comprehensive search was conducted across 10 electronic databases from their inception until September 2023, coupled with an extensive bibliography search of relevant studies and reviews. In total, eleven studies meeting the inclusion criteria were selected: qualitative peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed studies in English with findings on the experiences of adult heterosexual women aged 19 to 64 years old who underwent various trauma-informed psychosocial interventions. From these studies, four main themes emerged, elucidating women's experiences as they engage with trauma-informed care: (a) Readiness to seek healing; (b) Healthcare providers: Extending the first hand; (c) An empowering paradigm shift; and (d) Better days ahead. Our major findings emphasize the importance of healthcare providers demonstrating sensitivity to trauma and culture, adopting a gender-sensitive approach, and taking a proactive stance in initiating discussions about trauma. Moreover, allocating more time for consultations, with an increased focus on building an initial rapport to ensure women's comfort, is also vital. The review further underscores the benefits of group sessions in aiding women's recovery from trauma. Ultimately, this review holds substantial implications for shaping future practices, emphasizing the critical necessity of personalized treatment plans.

Language: en


memory and trauma; mental health and violence; post-traumatic stress disorder; sexual assault; violence exposure


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