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Journal Article


Li GG, Zhang ZQ, Mi YH. World J. Clin. Cases 2022; 10(13): 4314-4320.


(Copyright © 2022, Baishideng Publishing Group)






BACKGROUND The brain is the most important organ to maintain life. However, the amount of brain tissue required for maintaining life in humans has not been previously reported. CASE SUMMARY A 33-year-old woman fell from the third floor three months before admission to our department. She received a decompressive craniectomy soon after injury. After the operation, operative incision disunion occurred due to the high pressure. Brain tissue flowed from the incision, and intracranial infection occurred. She fell into deep coma and was sent to our hospital. Her right temporal surgical incision was not healed and had a cranial defect of 10 cm × 10 cm. Her intracranial cavity was observed from the skull defect, and the brain tissue was largely lost. In addition, no brain tissue was observed by visual inspection. Cranial computed tomography showed that only a small amount of brain tissue density shadow was compressed in the cerebellum and brainstem. Four days after hospitalization in our hospital, her parents transferred her to a hospital near her hometown. The patient died six days after discharge from our hospital.

CONCLUSION This rare case provides some proof of the importance of the brainstem in the maintenance of cardiac rhythm and vascular tension. Neurosurgeons should carefully protect brainstem neurons during operations. Clinicians can maintain the cardiac rhythm of patients who lose their major brain tissue with modern technology, but the family of the patients should be aware of death and end-life care. © The Author(s) 2022. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Language: en


adult; human; female; case report; head injury; suicide attempt; hospitalization; Case report; death; clinical article; intensive care unit; coma; follow up; computer assisted tomography; alanine aminotransferase; glucose; Glasgow coma scale; sodium; creatinine; potassium; Brain death; brain stem; Brainstem; calcium; diabetes insipidus; subarachnoid hemorrhage; Article; mydriasis; brain tissue; bilirubin; continuous infusion; urine volume; echocardiography; hypertensive agent; antidiuretic agent; brain infection; decompressive craniectomy; suppuration; intracranial pressure; cell loss; Decompressive craniectomy; skull defect


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