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Journal Article


Cesur E, Taşdemir, Buyukakincak E, Aslıyüksek H, Turan. Klin. Psikiyatr. Derd. 2022; 25(4): 395-403.


(Copyright © 2022, Cizgi Tip Yayinevi)






OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to evaluate the forensic medical dimension of medical malpractice lawsuits filed against health personnel working in the field of psychiatry, to investigate which health workers are complained about, what are the damages that occur in cases where medical malpractice is detected, and in which processes the detected errors occur.

METHOD: In the study, the reports of 122 cases with claims of medical malpractice concerning psychiatry, which were evaluated by the Council of Forensic Medicine between 2013 and 2020, were examined retrospectively through sociodemographic and clinical forms.

RESULTS: 42 (34.4%) of the examined files were made against healthcare professionals working in training and research hospitals and 34 (27.9%) in public hospitals. 113 of the personnel involved in the incident were physicians (92.6%). Psychiatry specialists were in the first place among the physicians with alleged faults. Considering the death status of the cases, it was seen that 65 (53.3%) resulted in death. 19 cases died due to suicide (29.2%). In our study, it was seen that the most important cause of defect in the cases found to be physician error was diagnosis and report mismatch.

CONCLUSION: The increasing workload and responsibilities of healthcare professionals and the decrease in the time allocated to patients can damage the trust between the physician and the patient, which paves the way for medical practice errors or possible claims. Increasing studies on this subject will contribute to the prevention of claims of medical malpractice and to minimize these errors. © 2022 ANP Publishing. All rights reserved.

Language: tr


psychiatry; forensic psychiatry; Malpractice; medical malpractice


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