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Journal Article


Baek SH, Kim JW, Lee YY, Kim JY, Kim SW, Kim JM. Front. Psychiatry 2022; 13.


(Copyright © 2022, Frontiers Media)






OBJECTIVES: This report aims to introduce a rare case of a dramatic recovery by donepezil with a patient with schizophrenia who suffered from remaining psychotic symptoms despite proper treatment and had a cognitive impairment by carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning sequelae. Case report: A 38-year-old male who developed schizophrenia 2 years ago had attempted suicide via CO inhalation due to his uncontrolled symptoms. He was hospitalized with delayed neurological sequelae (DNS). Though hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) was applied 10 times, his cognitive impairment did not recover. Surprisingly, with 5-10 mg donepezil, both cognitive function and the psychotic symptoms of the patient remarkably improved.

CONCLUSION: This case showed a good response of donepezil for a patient with schizophrenia and CO-induced DNS after ineffective HBOT. Although the mechanism of the phenomenon is unclear, it can be possible reasons that the neuroprotective effect of donepezil and white matter insult by CO poisoning. Copyright © 2022 Baek, Kim, Lee, Kim, Kim and Kim.

Language: en


adult; human; suicide; female; case report; schizophrenia; psychosis; suicide attempt; hospitalization; treatment outcome; rhabdomyolysis; clinical article; clinical feature; cognitive defect; hallucination; carbon monoxide; carbon monoxide intoxication; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; emergency ward; diazepam; procyclidine; palliative therapy; disease exacerbation; amisulpride; propranolol; treatment failure; remission; inhalation; ataxia; convalescence; charcoal; treatment response; auditory hallucination; neurological complication; memory disorder; Article; Mini Mental State Examination; drug dose increase; medical history; Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; donepezil; depth perception; DSM-5; hyperbaric oxygen therapy; Clinical Global Impression-improvement scale; Clinical Global Impression-severity scale; delayed neurological sequelae; neurologic gait disorder; neuropsychological assessment


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