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Journal Article


Ramteke R, Murkey PN, Tirpude BH, Shende SA, Agrawal R. Int. J. Med. Toxicol. Legal Med. 2021; 24(3-4): 62-66.


(Copyright © 2021, India Medico Legal Society)






Medico-legally term suicide is the act of taking one's own life voluntarily. It has been observed that among all unnatural deaths, accident tops the list followed by suicide and homicide. Farming is one of the oldest industries in the world and often portrayed as a happy way of life. Despite this, agriculture industry has one of the highest rates of suicides than others. The present study comprises cases of alleged suicide among the Farmers' brought for medicolegal autopsy at the Medical College in Rural area of Central India. A retrospective and prospective study was carried out over the period of 4 years from August 2013 to July 2017. 196 cases of suicides were studied during above mentioned period. Causative factors for suicide were Bankruptcy or Indebtednes s 103(52. 55%) cas es and Farming Related Issues 52 (26.53%) cases followed by Famil y probl ems, il l nes s, marriage rel ated is s ue and poverty, accounting for 11(5.61%), 6(3.06%), 1 (0.51%) and 1 (0.51%) respectively. Maximum deaths was noted in young adult age group of 20-40 years, Male (91.84%) outnumbered the female (8.16%). The majority (80.61%) were married and from lower economic class. maximum victims of farmers' suicidal deaths were educated among 1st to 10th standard (71.94%), followed by illiterate (19.39). Maxi mum f armers' s ui ci de occurred i n rai ny s eas on (37.24%); followed by winter season (31.63%). © 2021, Medico Legal Society. All rights reserved.

Language: en


adolescent; adult; aged; agricultural worker; agriculture; Article; autopsy; Autopsy; demographics; educational status; Farmer; female; financial management; homicide; human; major clinical study; male; marriage; medical school; poverty; rainy season; retrospective study; rural area; Socioeconomic profile; socioeconomics; suicide; Suicide; victim; winter


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