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Journal Article


Bustos PIM, Villaseca JAF, Silva AAT, Lopez Castroman J. Interciencia 2021; 46(12): 455-461.


(Copyright © 2021)






Adolescent suicide is a global public health problem, being the second leading cause of death between 15 and 29 years. The situation in Latin America is critical and Chile is one of the two nations where suicide rates increase every year. This study seeks to describe clinical, psychological, and social/family risk factors associated with suicidal behavior and self-harm, in a clinical sample of adolescents treated in the public health system of the Maule region, Chile. A sample of 388 adolescents between 10 and 21 years old was included, to whom five measurement instruments were applied that evaluated impulsivity, emotional regulation, presence of anxious-depressive symptomatology, stress, seeking help for mental health problems, desire of death, suicidal ideation, and socio-family information. Of those evaluated, 30.4% wished they were dead during the last month and 41.0% thought about taking their own life, while 33.2% declared having made a suicide attempt, with a mean of 13.6 years to the first attempt, and 58% had non-suicidal selfharm during their lifetime. On the other hand, 39.2% presented high levels of impulsivity and 70.9% had problems regulating their emotions. In addition, female adolescents and adolescents aged 18-21 years showed a higher risk of suicidal behavior and self-injury. The results will allow to improve the understanding of the clinical, psychological, and social/family factors involved in the development of self-injurious behaviors in adolescents, facilitating the planning and elaboration of more effective prevention strategies in reducing suicide risk. © 2021 Interciencia Association. All rights reserved.

Language: es


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