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Journal Article


Mazumder A, Venkatesh J, Karthi Vignesh Raj K, Abdul Raoof MP, Millo T. Int. J. Med. Toxicol. Legal Med. 2021; 24(1-2): 209-211.


(Copyright © 2021, India Medico Legal Society)






edFromIP- Ligature mark is one of the vital external findings over the neck especially in asphyxia deaths due to hanging or strangulation. A forensic pathologist would find it challenging to rule out foul play if the ligature mark over the neck is superficial and faint. These findings can be missed easily if it is not properly examined. We are reporting a case of a 27-year-old female who was brought to the emergency department in an unconsciousstate with an alleged history of fall from the stairs. On examination, there was the presence of a reddish abraded contusion over the right angle of the mandible. There were no other injuries noted over the neck or body. A ligature mark was noted during the subsequent examination after 48 hours.She was found to be a case of suicidal hanging on further investigation from the family members after the examination. Despite undergoing treatment for 7 days, the patient died because of pneumonia arising as a complication of coma due to suicidal hanging. The case is being reported so that the forensic pathologists and physicians become more aware of the possibility of initial faint presentation of ligature marks due to hanging or strangulation. This can avoid the unnecessaryconfusion which arise at the time of interpretation of injuries in the future. © 2021, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.

Language: en


adult; Article; asphyxia; autopsy; bone contusion; brain edema; case report; clinical article; coma; emergency ward; Faint; female; hanging; Hanging; hematoma; human; ligature mark; Ligature mark; mandible; pneumonia; skin abrasion; skin manifestation; strangulation; suicide; Superficial impression; unconsciousness


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