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Journal Article


Chauhan S, Kumar R, Singh UP, Tripathi A, Dev K, Abhishek A. Indian J. Forensic Med. Pathol. 2021; 14(Special Issue 2): 216-222.


(Copyright © 2021, Red Flower Publication)






Homicide is considered part of human behavior. Significant number of unnatural deaths have been reported in which tools like ax, hammer, kitchen knife, etc., were used, followed by other assault weapons. They were used by attackers due to their easy availability. Increasing rate of homicides worldwide reveals extreme violence, increased aggravation, lack of patience and mental disturbance in the culprits. The first step toward developing interventions to reduce the impact of homicidal crimes and violence is to study homicidal trends in civil society as it varies from region to region. It is a record based cross sectional study in which all the 137 homicidal deaths out of 151 cases of Bareilly region reported at Division of Forensic Serology, Forensic Science Laboratory, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh from January 2019 - June 2019, were studied and analyzed. All the suicide cases with improper entry and those killed in police encounters were excluded. Various parameters like relationship of the victim to the accused, method of homicides, sex and gender of victims, category of lethal weapons, motive behind the homicide, place of incident etc., are considered. This research has been conducted with the objective to determine the most commonly used weapons for assault in Bareilly region. Moreover, parameters like determining the most vulnerable victims, age groups, place of incidence, gender, motive, accused-victim relationship, and cause of death behind the homicidal death were considered. © 2021, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. All rights reserved.

Language: en


Homicide; Manslaughter; Actus reas; Ipc 299; Men's rea


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