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Journal Article


Ghaly RF, Plesca A, Candido KD, Knezevic NN. Surg. Neurol. Int. 2020; 11(41).


(Copyright © 2020, Medknow Publishing)






BACKGROUND: Suicide cases are the end product of a combination of biological, clinical, psychological, social, and cultural risk/protective factors, and attempts to remain unpredictable. Case Description: A 43-year-old male presented to the hospital with jaundiced skin/eyes of 7 days' duration. He had a history of a major depressive disorder and chronic alcohol consumption (e.g., 3-5 alcoholic drinks/day for the past 15 years). Studies documented acute hepatic disease (e.g., biopsy-documented hepatocellular alcoholic hepatitis), accompanied by a cholestatic disease. The patient was discharged on clonidine, iron multivitamin, folic acid, gabapentin, and prednisone. Eight days postdischarge from the hospital, he committed suicide (e.g., self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head).

CONCLUSION: Concomitant administration of gabapentin, prednisone, and clonidine, especially if used for the first time, may play a synergistic effect in increasing a patient's suicide risk. © 2020 Scientific Scholar. All rights reserved.

Language: en


adult; human; male; resuscitation; case report; head injury; suicidal ideation; Suicide risk; hospitalization; Gabapentin; fatigue; gunshot injury; stab wound; clinical article; tachycardia; automutilation; priority journal; thrombocytopenia; emergency ward; clonidine; tremor; lorazepam; heart arrest; spouse; hypertension; gabapentin; alanine aminotransferase; aspartate aminotransferase; Glasgow coma scale; liver dysfunction; iron; folic acid; blood clotting disorder; abdominal distension; multivitamin; alcohol liver disease; drug dose reduction; Article; medical history; jaundice; prednisone; thigh; morning dosage; Glucocorticoids; bedtime dosage; Clonidine; epinephrine; alcohol withdrawal syndrome; Alcohol withdrawal syndrome


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