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Journal Article


Dawood S, Smith JG, Nadeem N, Abbasian C. Eur. J. Psychiatry 2020; 34(2): 82-89.


(Copyright © 2020, Departmento de Psiquiatria de la Facultad de Medicina de Zaragoza)






Background and objectives: It was postulated that Aripiprazole may cause impulse-control problems. Therefore, real-world data on the effects and side effects of Aripiprazole 400 mg depot are needed to review the utility, safety and the clinical effectiveness of Aripriprazole 400 mg depot and highlight the occurrence of adverse effects including impulsivity in a naturalistic treatment settings.

METHODS: A non-interventional, retrospective study was conducted to examine the electronic records of all patients who were receiving or had received Aripiprazole Lauroxil in South West London before May 2017. Disorder symptoms and side effects were compared between pre- and post-Aripiprazole PO and Aripiprazole Depot treatments.

RESULTS: Data were considered for 57 patients who switched to Aripiprazole depot due to non-compliance and/or side effects. Most were suffering from chronic schizophrenia (75.4 %) and half (50.9 %) had comorbid alcohol and/or illicit drug use. Oral Aripiprazole was effective in improving hallucinations, delusions and depressive symptoms (P < 0.022); these benefits were maintained or enhanced further with Aripiprazole Depot. Proportions of patients experiencing sexual disinhibition, aggression and deliberate self-ham decreased significantly (P < 0.003) after starting oral Aripiprazole with no further change after Aripiprazole Depot. By study end, a quarter of patients had stopped taking Aripiprazole Depot due to ineffectiveness, side effects or patient request.

CONCLUSION: Aripriprazole Lauroxil 400 mg depot was safe, effective and well tolerated. Side effects manifestations should prompt full evaluations and dose reduction should be considered. © 2020 Asociación Universitaria de Zaragoza para el Progreso de la Psiquiatría y la Salud Mental

Language: en


adult; human; female; male; alcoholism; depression; prevalence; aggression; schizophrenia; suicide attempt; comorbidity; gambling; comparative study; major clinical study; controlled study; clinical practice; retrospective study; sexual dysfunction; automutilation; hallucination; impulsiveness; constipation; delusion; drug safety; treatment refusal; drug dependence; patient compliance; olanzapine; risperidone; tardive dyskinesia; tremor; drug withdrawal; akathisia; illicit drug; side effect; erectile dysfunction; parkinsonism; Aripiprazole; lethargy; memory disorder; Article; observational study; electronic medical record; Antipsychotic; injection site pain; clinical effectiveness; blurred vision; clinical evaluation; Long-acting; Effects; body weight gain; aripiprazole lauroxil; Depot; Impulse control


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