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Journal Article


Junaidi KA, Pujar SS, Honnungar RS, Jirli PS, Koulapur VV, Ali K, Pushpa MG. Med. Legal Update 2020; 20(1): 170-174.


(Copyright © 2020, R.K. Sharma and Institute of Medico-Legal Publications)






BACKGROUND: The profile of medico legal autopsy cases is important in order to know the death statistics in a region due to unnatural causes and also help to address the demographic needs according to the mortality statistics specific to that region.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study is a retrospective study of autopsies performed at KAHER'S tertiary care centre K.L.E Hospital, Belagavi, Karnataka India in the year 2017. During this period a total of 159 autopsy cases were conducted. Relevant information and subjective data like age, sex, marital status & manner of death have been collected from medicolegal autopsy register from January 2017 to December 2017.

RESULTS: Out of 159 cases analyzed, maximum number of autopsies were in the age group of 21-30 years with 55 cases (34.6%). Majority of victims were males 118(74.2%). Hindus were majority in number with 147 cases (92.6%), married were 122(76.7%) & unmarried were 37 cases(23.3%). In our study 67.9% were rural residents & only 32.1% were urban. Accident, Suicide and Homicide deaths were 110(69.2%), 37(23.3%) & 1(0.6%) cases respectively. Natural deaths were seen in 6.9% cases. Maximum number of deaths were due to road traffic accidents with 92 cases (57.9%) followed by poisoning with 27 cases (17%). Out of total 159 cases maximum number of autopsy cases 60(37.7%) were conducted in the month of April to June.

CONCLUSION: In our present study it is observed that maximum cases were in 3rd decade of life, Males outnumbered females, rural residents were more in number. Hindus being majority formed bulk of cases. RTA, Poisoning & burns were seen as leading cause of death &maximum deaths were in the second quarter of the year (April, May & June). © 2020, World Informations Syndicate. All rights reserved.

Language: en


adolescent; adult; human; homicide; suicide; burn; child; female; male; Poisoning; accident; aged; autopsy; sex difference; cause of death; traffic accident; intoxication; rural population; retrospective study; medicolegal aspect; electrocution; urban population; Article; snakebite; Karnataka; thermal injury; Hindu; married person; Road traffic accidents; single (marital status); tertiary care center; Medicolegal Autopsy


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