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Journal Article


Lokesh K, Rajasekhara Reddy K. Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng. 2019; 7(6): 813-820.


(Copyright © 2019, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication)






In India approximately Rs.92,000 crores worth Agricultural produce is damaged. About 35% of perishable Agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, meat, milk) and non-perishable Agricultural products are damaged annually before reaching consumer due to lack of proper infrastructure facilities such as transportation, storage facility, processing, packing, etc. Hence, there is an immediate need to improve the Agricultural infrastructure to prevent loss, meeting food requirements of the country, improving the income of farmers. On an average about 12,000 farmers are committed suicide per annum since 2013 as the farming has become non- remunerative which has led to debit trap. This paper aims at understanding the infrastructure need for Agriculture and come up with an infrastructure model for Tadikonda Mandal of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh which will help in meeting the ambitious objective of government of India in doubling the farmers income by 2022. Agricultural infrastructure involves water for irrigation, transport facility, post harvesting facilities, grading, processing, packing, marketing, etc. The existing infrastructure for Agricultural, Agricultural production in the study area is understood, questionnaire survey is carried out among the various concern stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations, identified the gap between the existing and expectations of the stakeholders. Also identified the infrastructure required for sustainable green revolution, collected the information regarding various schemes of central and state government that are suitable for the identified infrastructure and modes of finance for the identified infrastructure are evolved. © BEIESP.

Language: en


Agricultural infrastructure; Doubling farmers income; Modes of finance; Schemes


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