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Journal Article


Chakraborty S, Rajan S. J. Ind. Acad. Forensic Med. 2018; 40(3): 311-316.


(Copyright © 2018, Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine)






Suicidal death is one type of violent death which is caused by a deliberate act of the decedent with the intent to kill himself. Data on such suicidal deaths in a particular geographic area can give the reflection of social and mental status of the people. A rapid increase in suicidal deaths in married females, especially in their first few years of married life, was observed in our society in last few years, which is a dark spot on the noble tradition of our society. Oppression, physical and mental abuse by husbands and relatives often preceded suicides. Another important reasons behind such deaths is the unending demands of dowry by their husbands and/or in-laws. At the same time, lack of education, freedom, women empowerment, independent decision taking authority etc. also are responsible for this massive number of suicidal deaths. In this study, we have tried to find out various factors and to analyze the pattern and socio-etiological factors responsible for increasing incidence of suicidal death in our society. We studied 124 cases of suicidal deaths in married women. The autopsies were conducted at the mortuary of Shimoga Institute of Medical Science (SIMS), Karnataka, during the year of 2013 and 2014. Maximum incidence of suicidal death was found in the age group of 21 to 30 years, mostly due to demand of dowry and marital discord, among victims with lower educational status, and where their husbands were unemployed. Commonest cause of death was poisoning, followed by hanging and burns. Based on the findings of our study, we have formulated suggestions to the concerned authorities to decrease the incidence of suicidal death. © 2018, Shaheed-e-Azam Press.

Language: en


Autopsy; Suicidal death; Dowry; Crimes against women cells


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