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Journal Article


Sarracent Dr. AS, Pérez TG, Miclin CPW, Pupo YS, Saavedra de la Cruz LAV. Revista del Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana 2013; 10(1).


(Copyright © 2013)






INTRODUCTION: suicide is among the first ten death causes in the world, for what it must be regarded a sanitary problem of great magnitude that requires of all efforts of organizations of health in different latitudes, focussed to prevent and to control the suicidal behaviour.

OBJECTIVE: To identify characteristics of personality of a suicide group.

METHODS: It was carried out a quantitative retrospective study. The version of MPIA (Model of Psychological Integrated Autopsy) was used, which was validated in suicides. The universe was constituted by people who died by suicide in Havana during 2010, selecting at least two relatives or close people that has known intensely to each one of dead persons and that gave necessary information. The data of identities were taken from the register of death certificates in the Statistical Department of the Provincial Havana Health Direction.

RESULTS: Predominated masculine subjects (74,2 %), old adults (39,5 %) whose characteristics in at least 30% were: reserved, little sociable, impulsive, capricious and stubborn.

CONCLUSIONS: Part of the havanan's profile suicide in 2010 we found to be man, bigger than 65 years, reserved, impulsive and capricious, offering as signs of a future suicide: suicidal verbalizations, discomfort with the life, absence of expectation, and selecting like method to put an end to their life hanging up, followed by precipitation.

Language: es


Suicide; Psychological characteristics; Signs of future suicide


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