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Journal Article


Makara-Studzińska M. Psychiatria (2004) 2013; 10(2): 76-83.


(Copyright © 2013, Via Medica)






Introduction. Year by year the level of suicide attempts among the young people increases systematically and the age at which adolescents attempt suicide decreases. Those making suicide attempts driven by diverse motivation and prior suicide often leads to traumatic events. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to determine the causes of suicide attempts of young would-be suicide bombers and make the characteristics of selected elements of the act of suicide attempt. Material and methods. The group of youth after suicide attempts include 100 persons. We used a questionnaire and a standard questionnaire - Beck Depression Inventory.

RESULTS. The study found that the cause of suicide attempts among young people are problems in the family, peer group and male-female relationships, loneliness school failure, poor socioeconomic conditions. Suicide attempt often preceded by traumatic events in the family and among their peers and the youth showed a lot of forms of pathological behavior. Level of depression respondents who attempted suicide Beck depression scale showed a moderate and significant depression.

CONCLUSIONS. The results above can be used to construct strategies, programmes and support groups for the youth with suicidal susceptibilities. © Copyright 2013 Via Medica.

Language: pl


adolescent; adult; human; Depression; Suicide attempts; Youth; loneliness; suicide attempt; juvenile; article; major clinical study; questionnaire; human relation; support group; peer group; social class; Beck Depression Inventory; academic failure; adolescent behavior; family conflict; Causes of suicide; Traumatic event


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