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Journal Article


Joshi KP, Robins M. Indian J. Public Health Dev. 2013; 4(4): 54-59.


(Copyright © 2013, R. K. Sharma)






BACKGROUND: The Society for Elimination of rural poverty (SERP) was established by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh (GOAP) as a sensitive support structure to facilitate poverty reduction through social mobilization and improvement of livelihoods of rural poor in A.P. The District Rural Development Agency (DRDA)- Indira kranthi patham (IKP) insurance scheme for rural landless people enable every poor family in rural Andhra Pradesh to come out of poverty and stay out of poverty. The investigation of causes of death is very important for planning of preventive measures. Verbal autopsy is the one of the best scientific method to investigate the causes of death. DRDA- IKP insurance scheme for rural landless people resister the deaths and its possible cause with help of grass root level worker (BIMA MITRA). Research Question: What are the causes of death among rural landless insured people of mahabubnagar disst.AP.? Objective of Study: To investigate and verify the causes of deaths among rural landless insured Persons under DRDA-IKP scheme. Study Design: Obvrtvational study Setting and Participants: Community based,rural area, close relatives of 300 insured people under DRDA-IKP scheme.

METHODology: The DRDA-IKP Mahabubnagar district entrusted the SVS Medical College, Department of Community Medicine, to investigate and verify the causes of deaths of insured landless members during the years 2012 to 2013. Out of the 64 mandals 30 were selected on the basis of 30 cluster sampling technique. Effective sample size turned out to be 300 (275 deaths under AABY and 25 deaths under ABH). Verbal autopsy tool was designed in the form of a Pre-designed, pre tested questionnaire. A responsible adult person preferably 1st degree relative in the household of the diseased was interviewed to answer the questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed in descriptive statistical method.

RESULTS: Out of total 300 insured persons74% were male and 26% were female.The highest numbers of deaths 21% were reported in the age group 50-54, & Lowest 1% were in the group 15-19 yrs.Around 37% insured persons died below the age of 40years which shows high mortality in much younger age grouup and 90.33% deaths occurred in the economically productive age groups between 31 to 59 years.Around 174 persons (58%) used to consume alcohol, 147(49%) of them were smokers and 45 (15%) were addicted to tobacco chewing.the major causes of deaths were infectious & parasitic diseases(23.66%) and circulatory diseases (23.66%),followed by external causes like accidents (14.66%),diseases of digestive system(10%) and neoplasm (7%),respiratory diseases (6.33%) etc.

Language: en


adult; human; suicide; burn; female; male; ischemic heart disease; India; autopsy; alcoholism; poverty; depression; cause of death; Verbal autopsy; mortality; Cause of death; intoxication; homelessness; heat stroke; article; major clinical study; rural area; questionnaire; smoking; Human immunodeficiency virus infection; age distribution; bleeding; breast cancer; malaria; leukemia; tuberculosis; falling; diarrhea; septicemia; hyperpyrexia; digestive system cancer; lung cancer; chronic obstructive lung disease; electric shock; parasitosis; cerebrovascular disease; pneumonia; diabetic ketoacidosis; oropharynx cancer; liver disease; snakebite; uterine cervix cancer; intestine infection; appendicitis; social insurance; typhoid fever; Bima Mitra; DRDA-IKP; Insured rural landless; pneumoconiosis; SERP; tobacco consumption


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