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Journal Article


Akbar M. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2011; 6(3): 155-168.


(Copyright © 2011)






War against terrorism is the most debated phenomenon in contemporary environment. Pakistan has played a pivotal role in war on terrorism by providing air space territory, air bases, intelligence gathering and reporting to US. Pakistan became a non-NATO ally and front line states in the wake of her countless services in war but Western media and writers criticize the ambiguous role of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in supporting and promoting the terrorism and viewed Pakistan particularly its Federal Administered Tribal Area (FATA) and surroundings as sanctuary of Taliban. In actual Pakistan restlessly haunted the senior commanders of Taliban and Al-Qaeda even sacrificed his innocent civilians, army men and ex prime minister. Pakistan's external relations faced uncalculated damage in economic terms. In short, Pakistan faced incalculable, irreparable and catastrophic loss being an ally of US in war on terror. Bajour and Swat operation are powerful answers to anyone doubting Pakistan's commitment to this war. This policy is also causing a tension within military and deeply unpopular within nation. Business of drone attacks have greatly inflamed the situation and caused anti-Americanism in Pakistani society while Washington is still pressurizing the Islamabad to do more to destroy extremism. Upward spiral of suicide attack that have convulsed Pakistan during the past two years are known as the outcome of Pakistan's alliance as a front line state in war on terror. Less attention has been paid to the cost which Pakistan has born in the result of war against terrorism. If such policy continues, not only Pakistan's future will be at stake but also America's own security and ultimate success of war on terrorism will also be in danger. The paper intends to analyze political, economic and social condition of Pakistan in post 9/11 scenario.. It also provides a critical analysis that Pakistan is going through its most tumultuous and turbulent phase of the history during this war. Experience of past nine years showed that extremism could not be defeated by military means alone. This plague can only be resolved by addressing the real cause of terrorism. © Common Ground, Muqarrab Akbar, All Rights Reserved.

Language: en


Terrorism; Pakistan; War on terror; Taliban; Al-Qaeda; US


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