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Arendt G, Nolting T. Arzneimitteltherapie 2010; 28(9): 269-276.


(Copyright © 2010)






At the beginning of the AIDS-pandemic, psychiatric disease was due to patient's bad physical condition, to HIV-associated brain disease as well as to problematic living conditions. After the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) psychiatric disease due to bad physical condition and the incidence of HIV-associated dementia declined in frequency. However, affective disorders continue to occur, which might have a negative influence on therapy adherence. Among the antiretroviral drugs, especially efavirenz provokes psychiatric symptoms such as confusion, nightmares and depression. Not rare and thus relevant for psychiatrists caring for HIV-positive patients are drug abuse and personality disorders. Furthermore, it is important for psychiatrists to learn about the possible interactions between psychiatric routine medication and HAART which might become ineffective because of metabolic pathway induction. Caring for HIV-patients with psychiatric diseases is a medical and human challenge.

Language: de


human; suicide; incidence; dementia; depression; pandemic; drug abuse; mood disorder; lamivudine; review; mental disease; anticonvulsive agent; neuroleptic agent; personality disorder; monoamine oxidase inhibitor; noradrenalin uptake inhibitor; serotonin uptake inhibitor; tricyclic antidepressant agent; Human immunodeficiency virus infection; psychopharmacotherapy; confusion; efavirenz; patient compliance; acquired immune deficiency syndrome; nightmare; unindexed drug; bipolar I disorder; bipolar II disorder; atypical antipsychotic agent; brain disease; Human immunodeficiency virus; antiretrovirus agent; didanosine; nevirapine; saquinavir; stavudine; zidovudine; diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders; mood stabilizer; emtricitabine; highly active antiretroviral therapy; proteinase inhibitor; Human immunodeficiency virus infected patient; abacavir; enfuvirtide; tenofovir disoproxil; abacavir plus lamivudine; lithium acetate; agomelatine; lamivudine plus zidovudine; raltegravir; Psychiatric disease; abacavir plus lamivudine plus zidovudine; HAART side effects and -interactions; HIV-infection; maraviroc; nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor


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